Monday, February 20, 2017


"I wouldn't dare look at my reflection in this physical realm mirror, for this bitter-sweet soul may turn to STONE"

In This Matrix, what we call our -; "digital self", our - virtual self, how we really are, in spirit, our Spiritual Being, our Spiritual Essence, of thee ASCENDER'S, how we truly are once this; blood - flesh - and bone is stripped away, striped clear, clean, beared too much to be baring, longing to be an eternal infinite consciousness, instead of time stripping away everything that I own, even my SOUL..., to finally have made it, to the final finale, to be FREE once and. for. all. to breathe in the UNIVERSE for ever and ever no more. 
BLURRDY MARYhahahhahahahhahahah


Me, I'm Starving for Love.
And that HUNGER has driven me Completely INSANE
I have felt alone my entire life.
I have been Lonely, FOREVER.
I do not know the taste of a Woman.
I feel like a Vampire who has never tasted BLOOD
Never been touched, or held in the arms of True Intimacy.
, hugged.
I can not even imagine what it feels like to be Loved,
I never even had a Girl-Friend;
, and Valentine's Day really shattered my heart and soul.
I Need Some Serious Soul Searching!
This is "my" HUNGER
"my" unquenched THIRST
What are "you" HUNGRY for?