Saturday, October 29, 2016


This is good-bye, to everyone, and everything. I want to commit suicide, but I won't. There's no need for that. Time takes care of that. I lost the only person I really wanted in my life, now my heart has grown completely cold. Frozen. I can't feel nothing but hurt, and people have become a constant reminder of kryptonite. I can't breathe.
The only thing I can hope for is the relief of loneliness. My loneliness has become a comfort. I just want to dwell away in solitude and never to have my life touched by anyone ever again. I will cry out to GOD for either death or life, and I will face my sentence, and whatever the verdict is, I will accept it. Maybe I will come out of the clouds one day and into the sunlight with the sun of life on my skin once again to be redeemed?
I'm relieved that it is over. I had a dream about this end. That I finally accept walking away. And I can breathe again, knowing this was meant to be. And that I have done the right thing. It's the perfect ending. The SAD CLOWN  The ending of the chapter. The last page is golden.


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