Friday, December 23, 2016

Diary? Praying for LOVE

So, I've been praying for LOVE.
I cannot help it,
I want love so bad,
I want that one special woman to ride the spiritual connection wave together.
Meet up in the after-life where we can really be together,
and reach the highest piques of love,
uninterrupted by time and life.
That one special woman,
to let her know she is the most special woman in the world to me,
more important than, anyone, or anything,
in the UNIVERSE.
Die for her, KILL for her.
That she is the most beautiful woman I have ever met.
I've never had any connection,
I'm so broken,
and stayed true to waiting patiently,
that also maybe love isn't in the cards,
and I will never truly be loved by anybody.
They say that type of connection comes once in a lifetime,
so why even try to connect with anybody else,
just wait for that soul mate love,
because when that soul mate comes into your life,
your life will be rocked,
that's for sure.
We're going into the new year, it is one day away from Christmas 2016, and 2017 is here, and my main prayer everyday, all day and night, when I am laying in bed trying to fall asleep, when i wake up in the morning, I PRAY FOR LOVE!
I cannot deny it to GOD, or nor do I try to.
I say, "GOD, I want love soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. PLEASE!!!!!!!"
And I go into the new year, completely SURRENDERed, Letting-Go, of everyone and everything. Into the new year standing alone, so that I cannot be hurt. Letting-Go of the past, and expectations of life. Ready to Live - or - Ready to Die?
This is my life right now.
I never had a girlfriend.
I never tasted love.
(warning: love montage ahead)

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