Tuesday, January 17, 2017

i've LET-GO of everything :FREE YOUR SELF

I take New Year/New Me to a whole new level and almost, DIE?
As I sit hear in my bedroom, I here someone that is reading this, I here their thoughts saying that I am confusing the spelling of certain words, but hear and now, I just don't care; I"VE BROKEN *FREE?
Let's just cut to the chase,
instead of most people,
they drag you on before getting to the point.
The point is I got sick 8 days ago,
I steps into the medicaid cab at 8:45 am in the morning(duh), but as soon as I stepped in, sat in, my intuitive mind said, "They're going to get you sick", and 'Lo and Behold", I caught a germ that had KICKED my a$$, because it is a well known ability of psychics to sense sickness in people, and later that night, my throat was on-fire.
I swear to *GOD*,
I will never step foot in another medicaid cab.
They pack you in there like a can of sardines, and they won't let you open the window anymore than a crack, they say things, such as, "Close the window, or you'll get sick" - NO, YOUR DARN GERMS WILL GET PEOPLE SICK, I am the "science guy" okay, you think fresh air is going to get you sick, cold temperature slow down the systems of the body that if you were EXPOSED to something, but people all around the world do cold therapies to boost their health and immunities, dipping themselves in cold lakes, martial artists dipping themselves in ice baths, etc. 
GERMOPHOBE PROBLEMS: When you catch a cold, and FREAK out, and someone says, "Well, would you rather live in a bubble?" and you say "YES! YES! I WOULD RATHER LIVE IN A BUBBLE!" a nice peaceful bubble, with internet so I can listen to endless music.
And I do not like to cough, because the whole, "Constantine Thing?"
I call a cough, The Death Cough,
because cough is so similar to sneezing,
your body is saying,
"Oh, HELL no!",
to something harmful.
And now I might almost be better, and now my *Angel Mom* is sick=I hate this world
The reason I say I've LET-GO, 
is because I cannot be broken down any further,
if you knew the hell I been thru,
this world has RAPED me, STRIPPED me, of my Life.
I cannot feel Alive anymore.
Not down here, anyway. 

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