Tuesday, September 27, 2016


missing you, - every second, - of every moment,
- I can't help it.
thinking about you, - every moment, - in every second,
- I own it,
- I can't control it.
you've engrossed me.
leaving me, - enchanted.
leaving me, - captivated.
I've never seen beauty like you and I don't know what to do?
- I CAN'T,

, and I pant.

, - but I want' to give you everything.
, - be your everything,...
...but I can't...

I'm filled with the longing to see you again and I can not wait, but I do.
To see you again means everything to me,
so I will do better,
that I can do.
But seeing too much of you and I might faint.
Too much of you and I feel my heart might explode,
I can't tolerate too much of you,
when my heart feels that it is going to pound out of my chest or I am going to have a heart attack when I am thinking about you before falling asleep, and sometimes waking up with my heart pounding out of my chest because I fell into a trance that you were there with me, and I have to catch my breath and breathe slowly and calm my heart beat down, that is, LOVE!

- I CAN'T,

, and I pant.
I know I do!

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