Friday, September 16, 2016


GOD's got me thinking so deeply about devotion today?
This is so tough to get to this place,
and to not have devotion in your life is HARSH
To not feel passionately about anyone or anything,
devotion is eternal,
to break all tides with the superficial reality,
that you see so many lost souls in so much pain because they give them selves away so easily,
and connection becomes so meaningless,
and so temporary, it is heart-breaking,
I've been feeling that the reason I can not connect with people is because it is not spiritual, eternal, I can not comprehend temporary love?
It makes no sense to me,
to really have a friendship,
that person will be in your heart and soul forever,
and bonding takes time to grow.
I had a special experience recently of the most beautiful person in the world to me, somehow, her beauty taught me a lesson in, 'devotion to GOD', because I ended up feeling I been neglecting GOD and praying for and thinking about her so much, and I thought, "man, I need to put this much devotion and energy into connecting with GOD", I couldn't believe what was happening, that the beauty of a woman taught me about devotion to GOD, that I need to stay aware and keep embracing GOD's beauty and grace, and this is the proof of a human beings grace and beauty, we must believe in each other and not give up on humanity, because the most special person to me has touched my heart and soul so deeply, she will never know how much she has impacted me.
And I am trying so hard to be as close to GOD as possible, but I am so broken.

I know I need to stop being so emotional, but it is difficult.

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