Saturday, September 17, 2016

WARRIOR - Letting-Go: Training; In preparation for either, Life or Death?

This is it.
The deadly storm has ended,
but the next storm maybe worse?
Where there seemingly been no end in site,
a horror has come to a close,
the damage of certain horrors might never shed light,
but what awaits is, UNCERTAIN?
I now train my self for death.
Or Life?
But I know one thing for certain-I WILL NEVER BREAK AGAIN
I will await my departure from physical realm to the destination of, *Spirit World*.
Everyday could be the last.
I will be training my self physically, causing my self PAIN.
And I will beat all the things that I need to let go of out of me till they no longer EXIST.
I will utilize musical mind programming to make my determined mind UNBREAKABLE.
So Train Your Self, to be the person you want/need to be!
I will be ready for either, Life or Death?

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