Monday, May 29, 2017


I shouldn't have fallen in love,
how could I know?
Reality didn't set in for a year and a half, this past week it really sank in.
I'm destroyed.
Hopeless right now.
I don't want to be around anybody.
I brought an idea to a community and realized how many people really can't stand me.
I don't want to see anyone ever again.
Letting-go is TOUGH
I have a couple days to decide to just walk away from everybody.
Everything falls apart anyway. 
I felt so much hatred from people the past couple weeks, the hate has poisoned me, but knowing that the person I fell in love with really couldn't care less, broke me.
If I didn't live in this world I would love my self.
This world has made me hate my self.
I hope someone, one day, enjoyed this?

Monday, May 22, 2017


my anguish can't distinguish my love for you;
I write poems for you, I'd write songs for you,
you had a man, worshipping the ground you walk on,
desiring you with honor, declaring his undenying devotion for you,
you became his religion.
He would kill for you
Die for you
Just ask
It could've been our secret?
-not even we would know, just a wink to know you accept my feelings-RELIEF 
If you had just given me a sign that it was ok for me to feel this way;
I just wanted you to take my bloody heart, 
I'd be devoted to you in heart and soul forever;
The most special woman in the world to me besides my mom,
and me, the most special man in the world to you.
Nobody would've known, not even you and I,
if you had just given me a sign that you'd accept my undying love for you,
I would live or die for you,
I'd always be there
if you needed me.
, but I feel you told me in your own way,
that my feelings for you are not ok,
so I will do what you want me to.
For you to use or abuse,
I would love it.
because I would've done anything for you,
but now you gave me the sign that my feelings are not ok,
so I must go, because you showed me that I have to,
so I will.
I will never get to taste your love.
"and not tasting your love has poisoned me,
because your love was my antidote."
my heart is dead
broken phillip

Friday, May 19, 2017

she didnt let me love her poem

i dont know what to say
what i would give to be near you
i thought you would at least let me love you
i thought you would let me devote my self to you
you became the most special woman in the world to me
you and my mom
and i don't want anyone else to be this special
i dont want to lose you from my life
i dont want anyone else to be this special
its hard to imagine life without you
but i now realize that is where this is going
i know you dont feel for me and it hurts
i guess this is goodbye
ill just stay away from you
as far away as i can
and i will feel sadness
and let the sadness drown me
i have gotten used to sadness
it aint so bad
and i don't want to ever feel anymore
i look forward to death
living in a world where love cannot thrive
i just want to be left alone
sadness has become my medicine
sadness has become my friend
goodbye my love

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Blog Therapy: Letting-go of, "THE PAST"

When I think of the pain of the past, I don't have to think, I'm drowning, dying in this pain at this very moment, the pain of my past represents; PEOPLE?
I thought today, that if I want to let-go of the past, I have to let-go of people, but to heal, I have to halt letting any new people into my life, the damage is done, the wounds are deep and will probably be the death of me, but if I can at least have the freedom to say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" "EVERYBODY LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE, and, STAY AWAY FROM ME"
I always think about the dog that has been tortured and abused, and when that dog breaks away from that situation, even when people are being nice, the dog still flinches and cringes with its tail wagging, saying, "don't hurt me! please, don't hurt me!", and people really don't seem to understand or respect a person that doesn't want any personal involvement with any people on any level, in my shoes at this point I am really just waiting to die, and I don't really know how to deal with that, because no "savior" is coming to save me and my mom, we are ALONE
Till our last breath, shall we?