Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Blog Therapy: Letting-go of, "THE PAST"

When I think of the pain of the past, I don't have to think, I'm drowning, dying in this pain at this very moment, the pain of my past represents; PEOPLE?
I thought today, that if I want to let-go of the past, I have to let-go of people, but to heal, I have to halt letting any new people into my life, the damage is done, the wounds are deep and will probably be the death of me, but if I can at least have the freedom to say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" "EVERYBODY LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE, and, STAY AWAY FROM ME"
I always think about the dog that has been tortured and abused, and when that dog breaks away from that situation, even when people are being nice, the dog still flinches and cringes with its tail wagging, saying, "don't hurt me! please, don't hurt me!", and people really don't seem to understand or respect a person that doesn't want any personal involvement with any people on any level, in my shoes at this point I am really just waiting to die, and I don't really know how to deal with that, because no "savior" is coming to save me and my mom, we are ALONE
Till our last breath, shall we?

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