Saturday, April 2, 2016

Self-Help - BLUR: Quitting Caffeine

I know I joke around a lot,
like I'm an aspiring comedian, or something,
but underneath lays an intense element of SERIOUSNESS.

I just don't know how to not make a joke of everything?

We all have inside of us these obsessions that never leave;
"I need to lose weight" "Quitting smoking" "Stop being mean to people" "Stop being so angry" "I need to break this isolation" "Quit playing video-games" "Stop sleeping so much" "Stop associating with negative/toxic people" "Stop being lustful" "Quit cursing" "Lying" "Quit caffeine" "Give up the internet-I'm on facebook/social media too much" "I really need to break up with him/her, I need to get a divorce" "My parents are abusive. I really need to move out" "I need to get these people out of my life" "I need to stop having sex" "I need to leave this gang that I'm in" "Something keeps telling me I need to be off these psych medications" "I keep having an obsessive thought that I need to stop smoking marijuana" "I need to stop consuming processed foods" "I'm lazy", etc.

These inner voiced/intuitions that we have these instinctual gut feelings that never seem to leave? We need to listen to this psychic voice and trust this inner voice of guidance.

Subtraction: The things you need to get out of your life and stop doing.

And these are just the things inside of us that we need to subtract from our lives. What about the things that we need to add to our lives?

"I NEED GOD IN MY LIFE" "Start going to church more(or whatever religion you are)" "Become more spiritual" "I need to start eating healthy" "Going to the gym" "I want to go vegetarian - or - vegan" I should start meditating" "I want to be a better mother/father to my children" "I want to be tough" "Master Pain and be able to take any pain in this human realm naturally" "I want to overcome all fears and be FEARLESS" "I need more positive people in my life" "I need to speak my mind and stick up for my self" "I need to start taking a multi-vitamin" "Learn about nutrition" "make it my top priority to exercise every single day because my weight and my health is killing me", etc.

Adding: The things you know in your heart and soul you need to do or you will never advance forward. 

(these adding and subtracting lists are infinite)
(what do you need to subtract and add to your life)

You will notice that these certain things will never leave your mind until the day you die. SO YOU REALLY NEED TO DO ALL THESE THINGS THAT ARE BEGGING YOU INSIDE OF YOU!


I've been calling this lately, 'The Dream Equation', where we have this inner strategy to get to a certain goal/dream within us, and the strategy is this, adding-and-subtracting, which is the mathematical dream formulation that will catapult you to that desired destination. But do you have the discipline, the strength, the toughness, the sheer will-power and determination to make these BOLD changes in your life? 

And what about things that we always wanted/wished to do but never took the proper steps?
"I want *TRUE LOVE* in my life!" "I need to be financially secure" "I want marriage and children" "A SOUL MATE" "I want to make a difference in peoples lives and in the world?" "I always wanted to start gardening" "My dream was always to make MUSIC" "I want to go to college for [******]" "I always wanted to skydive" "I need a career/a business" "I want to be an actor; a dancer. an artist. a photographer. a film producer. a writer. etc."

Whatever your dreams are?

You must subtract the things holding you back and destroying you and add the things you know you need to to begin these dreams.


We care to much about what people think.
We allow peoples energies to effect us and block us from being on this *GOD FREQUENCY*.

You see, the dream is the *PATH*.
The path of your destiny.
You must heed the call!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe if you are not following your dreams,
these callings inside of you,
you are off, *THE PATH*.

So here's my vlog about quitting caffeine.

Ciao! ~ BLUR
(and embrace GOD with EVERYTHING you've got)

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