Thursday, March 31, 2016

PRO-LIFE: Speak Your Mind - No Matter What(EMBRACE GOD/TRUST GOD)


It's very painful.

Can I really speak honestly about a subject/topic of life/existence without being persecuted/crucified for my views, with an open-minded admittance that my viewpoints could be wrong/could be right in some areas, but it's an ongoing battle of fighting to learn and do your best and strive to do better and be the best person you can be?

But it is 100% FACT, that we steal chicken eggs from their mothers, and that must be HELL OF SUFFERING for them to go thru. 

But on this very intense topic of "PRO-LIFE", the proof is in the pudding/the wording.

Pro-Life to me is about protectance of all life. A respect for all life; animals/insects/plant life/our own kind/women/children/elderly/even down to the microscopic level if you'd like to take it there, that microscopic organisms are essential to our existence.

Can you really get to a heightened level of feeling empathy for all life forms.

Down to feeling empathy for a blade of grass.

Mercy and Pity for a mosquito, that they have a really hideous life, they are not blessed AT ALL.


And I'm not even touching base on what's right and wrong about what a woman goes thru. I'm not a woman(at least I don't think), so I can't tell you, but we need to teach our youth different instead putting all the blame on women when the majority of human beings are involved in murder and violence in some way if you eat animals, or promote war, or you own your children and don't let them have individuality to pursue their dreams, or you mentally/verbally abuse, or rape, or beat your dog, or your wife, evryone out their want to crucify women instead of saying, "we need to stop promoting all this sex, and this porn industry, and promote purity of life and education" - just saying.

What about the man who cumms inside of a woman, they get no blame for being irresponsible?

But I can tell you this.
If a woman is raped be an evil demon man, and you're a man that feels they should have that baby, I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU GO THROUGH THAT AND SEE IF YOUR VIEW POINT IS CHANGED? I DON'T WANT NO DEMON BABY OF A RAPIST GROWING INSIDE OF ME, WHAT ARE YOU NUTSSSS?

So I made this video.
As an inspiring comedian;
Self-Help Guru,
Life Documentor,
and whatever else,
to speak my mind no matter what,
it has been part of my spiritual training to speak my mind and not care what anyone thinks.

So here goes my video on PRO-LIFE.
People will probably have my head for this.
Or maybe not?

Can you really be shocked or mad at anything someone named, "BLUR" says?


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