Monday, March 7, 2016


Here we are again.
I am BLUR!!!!!!!!

You can go to my first/original website, BLURZ "Completely Complicated" LIFE where I Have over 4 years of steady creative life documentation of what I was going through in my head at the time. Pretty much a documentation of mental illness, with hopes of now overcoming these things and being; *REDEEMED*.

And check out my YouTube of over 1,100 videos of a; Creative/Comedic documentation of mental illness that began in the Myspace days(YIKES), I started to pursue a creative lifestyle of; Music/Writing/Comedy/Photography/Art/and/Film, but lost all my Myspace creativity when Justin Timberlake bought out Myspace for a million dollars(I believe?), and he took away the blogs and photos(you know, I really got'ta sue these "elite" punks????? 

BLURZ "Completely Complicated" LIFE(YouTube):

Then when Myspace went under I migrated to YouTube and accumulated over a 1,000 videos, 6 years later just to have YouTube wrongfully terminate my YouTube on August 29th 2014, to February 5th, 2016=YIKESSSS!!!!!!!!

That hurt like a mutha:

Now I'm back with a VENGEANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I'm back, baby, with a vengeance to claim what's rightfully mine(and yours); *REDEMPTION*. BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And after being a problem child, to a suicidal heroin addict of death, to mentally ill, to losing all people and animals I love to horrific death not being able to save any of them, to ending up with the worst heart break, losing my only chance of financial success to take care of my mom, car breaking down the same month, then my mom having a stroke a day before her 60th birthday, June 10th 2015, to just getting my YouTube back February 5th, 2016, with one final shot at, -*REBIRTH-and-REDEMPTION*-, not just for me, my Angel Mom, too. I've come WAY TO FAR to give up now.

Now a NEW documentary of life emerges, about *REBIRTH-and-REDEMPTION*?

I'm in an intensive mental illness recovery program right now, 5 days a week, 6 hours a day, ready to get a job, go to college for-music, film, and writing. From there I am going to write books, start a shirt company(to also help other people financially that have mental illness), make music, my film, travel the world, do one final documentary, then=POOF, out'ta here.

And that's that!

Might sound small, but trust me, this is going to be one MAD WAR.

See you on the battle ground. ~ BLUR

"In life, sometimes preparation to make your move is the most important step." ~ BLUR Quotes

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