Sunday, March 20, 2016


What mathematical formulation, is THIS?

"The saddest songs are the songs that are never heard." "Why swim in a sea full of sharks when you can fly over the ocean." "The more you try and escape the more captured you become." "Purify the body, purify the mind." "Shoot for the stars, land on mars." "Happiness is Kryptonite to haters." "Sometimes you just need to give your enemies the fuel, to ignite themselves." "Yeah, I've lost my mind, but I also found it in the process." "Make music, not whoopie." "I am a psychopath, because the path I am on, is psycho." "Sometimes the best way to understand how to build an empire is to completely tear your world apart." "Determination is when you determine the destination that your heart and soul is telling you you have to go." The key to happiness is conquering all fear." "It's not about the pursuit of fame, it's about the pursuit of change." "Don't ever count me out, cause even if I'm dead, I'll find a way from beyond the grave." "You can only push someone so far, till an insane genius is born, if you let it?" "The difference between, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial, is just that little extra." "A person whom thinks the world owes them something, is the ones that owe the world." "You can not pull someone out of hell if they are dragging you in." "Keep the consumers close and the competition closer." "Because this world makes it mission impossible to get what we need, we become selfish." "You can't stop anybody else from drowning when you are drowning also." "Either someone loves you for who you are, or they don't love you at all." "Don't go in the front door, or the back door, create your own door." "Religion is a business!" "I'd rather be hated than invisible." "Money is like alcohol, it shows who you really are." "Silence is a virtue." "My creative psychology is simple; document the present, plan for the future, and recreate the past." "The only thing doubters believe in is that everything is impossible." "If you do not change now, you will always be waiting for tomorrow to change, forever." "Do not wait to pick up the pieces, pick them up wherever they may lay." "You are either a consumer, or a creator, or a little bit of both, but to really breakthrough in creativity you must break all consumption." "Persecuting anyone for being different is persecuting your own self, because you too are different." "I'm so invisible even the government doesn't see me." 'When you are, "That insane", creativity must be embraced because it is the only thing worthwhile, when you are, "that insane".' "If people don't believe in you, don't have anything to do with people." "Do not do anything that makes your self weaker, but do everything that makes your self stronger." "To understand why humans do what they do, you would have to have experienced; impulse, compulse, and compellsion." "Run from all ego like the plague." "I am a calculator of where our future will inevitably need to go, but there is no math involved in this form of calculating." "I leave everything in GOD's hands, because I can not handle it." "I'm so excited right now? I want to die!" "In a world where reality has become fiction, the new creativity is to display reality." "I have all the cards but one stacked against me, and I am a wild card." "I've stayed away from people, because nobody would understand, because it made no sense." "Sometimes the best thing to be is invisible and underestimated." "Live every second of your life as if waiting for your departure for HEAVEN to arrive."

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