Friday, March 18, 2016


(I blame the devil for ALL OF THIS - I will wage retribution for us all! All of my fellow humans desecrated by the influential persuasion of this damn dirty devil)
(step one is funding; to wage war and prepare our CONQUERINGS)

I will write my first book, 'BLURZ "The natural High Diet" SOURCEBOOK for overcoming - Mental Illness - Addiction - and - LIFE' - and start my shirt company, rebirth/redemption life documentary. MUSIC INDUSTRY. Make real life HORROR film, 'LIFE IZ A BLUR', taking over the indie film industry(trust me I have a plan), hitting back hard and the GODLESS HOLYWOOD.

How this story goes, is I wage war on the entire rap industry, boycotting the evil music, demolishing the entire industry to be built anew. Conquer the entire film industry in one SWOOP!(I have strategies=a MAD strategist). Wage war on the self-help industry, exposing all the fakes, and waging war on the pharmaceutical/psychiatric industry for poisoning us human beings with meds. Being a billionaire and giving all the money away in a documentary.(document your good deeds, this is a war of INFLUENCE)

Convert to every religion on documentary, skydive into an erupting volcano damning my self to hell for all eternity, defeat Lucifer crumbling hell from the inside out setting free all the lost souls for redemption in HEAVEN, and that's that.

LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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