Saturday, March 26, 2016

LOVE & WAR(poem never meant to be seen)


I've been here before?

Deja-vu, vu, vu.

It feels like I've been here before,
Love slipping thru my finger-tips like sand.

My heart POUNDED for you last night.
Just the thought of you; hugging me, touching me, I felt cosmic forces enter my heart like never before, heart chakra opening up so wide I could barely withstand it, almost fainting as the feeling of your soul took my breath away, so intense as I lay there in bed praying that this is real, that you feel my soul too? :(

And me thanking you, from the bottom of my heart for that hug, as that precious moment slipped away too fast, I wish I could've froze time.

You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met :3
You are SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL I can't take it.
I blush everytime I think of you

Could you be that person that I would die for,
Go of eternity to hell for?

I'd sacrifice my self for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I would never want you to sacrifice your self for me.

But I, 'Live And Let Live'.

is this delusional?

Is her soul overwhelmed like mine is when she's around me?

Does she feel the red blushing tightness of her cheeks in my exuding energetic presence the way I feel when I feel her energy?

I feel the pulling of soulful strings connecting and bonding and binding knotting up in entwined entanglements pulling on my heart strings more powerfully everytime we are in eachothers presence, like an angelic infinite universal string quartet playing music symphonies to the HEAVENS about our love that has the potential to live on through the ages, legendary, the type of mythical love that they write stories about in the future.
I know you feel that too.

She can just, grab me, and shake me, and grip my shoulders real tightly, and say, "You're not crazy BLUR, I feel it too, I am falling in LOVE with you, and it is SURREAL".
(no one and nothing could stand in the way of *TRUE LOVE*)

I never knew love was so EMPOWERING

And then my emotions CRUMBLE as I realize this is never going to happen,
You have to fight with everything you've got for your the one you LOVE,
to protect her,
and always be there for her to make sure she has everything she needs,
while keeping your self WARRIOR STRONG.

If I can obtain all those things?

Do I even have what it takes?

To be her 'Knight In Shining Armor'.

To sweep her off her feet and take her to new realms never before fathomed?

Her phantom of a new opera?

To be ready to save her the day that she needs me?

Can I be prepared?

If she would give me just a touch of her love,

                                                     ETERNAL LOVE
                           HEAVENLY LOVE 

       "But how can I be real, when I'm a ghost without love"

But the sad truth is, I'm probably not going to make it :(......

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