Sunday, March 20, 2016

SUCCESS + #AriesRising

I feel like a LONE-WOLF on the hunt, in ice-cold terrain, with an ice cold heart from the pain, ready to attack this LONE-VICTIM called SUCCESS. And I am on the scent of that blood seeing tunnel vision is the only thing that I sense through my sensories and peripheries, I feel VICIOUS. All I need is one little taste. Just a little bite to seal the deal of my VICTORY, and all hell can break loose for all I care, they have created a MONSTER. I finally welcome my self to my territory. And I will build an army of WOLVES to protect what is precious(UNITY/LOVE). An -Army Of GOD-, just like my self, that have been thrown out, left out in the cold all alone, hopeless to die, exiled from HUMANITY. *WE WILL RISE*!!!!!!!!! And as the -LOVE OF GOD- thaws this frozen heart, the only thing that can keep this heart warm is the unification and LOVE -of- HUMANITY. My Heart Burns For You GOD, And I Will Ignite This Flame Into An Inferno Of Holy Engulfment, And They Will Hear And Feel Our PAIN
(Aries Cycle Begins At The Strike Of Midnight=I Am Ready For WAR)

(and maybe love is possible) :(
And so it begins...................!

"The only way to ascension is through the pain." ~ BLUR

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