Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Psychology 101: Delusional Feelings(recognizing your delusions and letting them go)

When you end up having feelings for someone(for like two months), out of your control, you didn't mean to, then you realize their circumstances that you were just DELUSIONAL the entire time, that there was nothing here meant to be, that she didn't have any feelings for me, I thought I saw some signals but realized I was wrong, so you do the right thing and let it go(and hope the person didn't know?)Then the agony of Karma someone does this to you.

I feel really bad/hating my self, because I always put my self in the other persons shoes(empathy). I am an EMPATH. And people do this all the time to me. Having feelings for me, and I don't have feelings for them. It's such a hurtful; offensive, disrespectful feeling, that they are to selfish to even find out what my situation is or how I feel about the matter. Don't I get any say in this? And I didn't mean to do that to this person. the feelings just formed before I knew anything about her, or her situation in life, but I was really captivated, she is really, really, beautiful, I know I'm not the only one, that people must fall for her all the time, but why do I feel so crucified for this? I feel like I blackballed my self in exile from the entire program now, that maybe I'm paranoid that people are looking at me different, maybe?

This one really hurts. And it hurt so bad. I feel HORRORble about my self, I really hope I didn't make this person uncomfortable. OH MY GOD, I really hope this person doesn't know? Because it was harmless, I didn't mean to form feelings, and my feelings formed because of one key reason that was really new to my mind that I never thought of before, and that created this delusion that maybe we were possible meant to meet each other/or be together(soul mates=I was delusional), but when I realized I was delusioned I realized it was wrong, me having feelings for her, so I did the right thing immediately and cut the cord of feelings. And now I'm worried that I might have just self-sabotaged my entire treatment, that I might have just caused an, -over-stay of my welcome- at this place, and now I might have to leave?

I'm embarrassed!

I realize that I really am FRANKENSTEIN.

I don't mean to cause anybody any type of harm, or uncomfortability.
It was really harmless.
I didn't mean to have feelings for this person.
I've let them go.
I am letting go of my "SOUL MATE OBSESSION" because it goes against my number one core belief, *to leave LOVE in GODS hands*.
So looking for LOVE
Longing for LOVE
and obsessively staying on the frequency,
is self defeating.
I've learned my lesson.
And pray this person doesn't know,
and this can just blow over.

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