Sunday, August 28, 2016

Dedicated to FAILURE?

Racking my brain around how to SUCCEED and no longer be a FAILURE is nerve wracking
What do I have to do, chop my dick off on camera to go viral
OBSESSION isn't the word
i DEMAND success :(
All I need to do is keep VENTING,
and someone from a magazine or news article,
or some publicist is going to discover me,
you'll see!
That's why I guess I'm blessed(and cursed),
I didn't just sit around all these years thinking someone was going to "discover" me,
I put in WORK.
And WRACKED my brain around in knots,
head and tail spinning in the AGONY
here's to CHAOS
(i mean, just in this blog, with the giphy photos, not in real life, here i just want to see stuff BREAK, because of failure and being trapped i always feel i am breaking)
Let's see some DESTRUCTION
and FAILURE to ease our woes,
I've paid my dues,
and if pain points mean anything,
then I'll be the first TRILLIONAIRE
I sit here,
unable to provide for my mom,
or my own needs,
feeling the mad determination boiling in my veins,
me and my mom are financially crawling to a new month,
three and a half days to go to foodstamps,
we're hungry,
and shattered,
and alone,
my so called "brother",
don't care,
he won't help,
"family is not family if they let you drown",
and the worst part, 
is that the saying isn't,
"watch you drown",
they care so little they don't even notice that you are drowning,
So if FAILURE is in your LIFE.
You are not ALONE.
We are amongst 100's of millions of fellow human beings,
feeling the FAILURE right at this very moment,
that I am typing,
and you are reading this.
(the animals are failing too)
(the insects are failing)
(the plant life is failing)
(even the microscopic)
(and the cosmic)
Take it from me,
it will probably take 100's,
maybe even(in my case going on)1,000's of baby steps,
being bold,
and taking risks,
But some people are just LUCKY?
(until luck runs out?)
Let's get this PARTY started,
if you are like us,
the ones whom FAIL all the time,
and like a BAD-ASS REBEL,
we refuse to give up.
We refuse to give in.
We will continue to keep FAILING,
till we either SUCCEED or DIE.
So here is a little photo montage in HONOR of US.
I AM GOING TO FOCUS 100% ON SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(i feel better=thanxxx)
It is time to become a MILLIONAIRE!!!!!!!!!

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