Monday, August 22, 2016

What Is Going On, I Don't Know, But I Am Letting Go?

She makes me go out of body?
Whenever I am around her, she makes me go out of body,
I can not hold on, I can not be grounded,
time flies around here,
as I try to grasp onto a moment,
they slip away,
so fast.
I wish I could just grasp on to my moments with you :(
I can't feel you when I'm around you,
I don't know?
But when I am not around you,
I feel you?
How bad I long for your touch
And I know that will never happen
I know where I stand
And I swear I am letting go
But I relapsed on you again
And I don't want to let go,
I'm CRAZY about you.
And I care that much to let go,
if that is the right thing to do,
if that's what you want me to do,
I'll let go.
If I could just breathe around her,
if I could just catch my breath,
and relax,
maybe one day I can grasp the moment with her,
I felt close,
but it slipped away.
She makes me so nervous!
I feel so WEIRD?
If she knew, that if she let me love her,
I would do anything for her.
If she knew how unconditional my love would be,
if she would just except my heart,
even in secret,
without words,
I'd know.
True Love doesn't have to be physical.
It could be a spiritual/eternal connection.
And making love?
I don't know what that is,
I can not imagine.
But it must be the best thing in the WORLD.
How bad I want to drink in her energy when I am around her
How bad I want to just look at her and let her know that she is the most beautiful woman in the world, she could see it in my eyes,
but she makes my spine shiver.
I can't look too long,
I try to,
to let her know,
how special she is to me.
I would buy a CASTLE for you!
(when I'm filthy rich)
That she could be her real self around,
that I am dying to see every personal fragment that she would trust to show me.
When someone is worth so much,
when someone has touched your soul in such a way,
you wish you knew everything about that person,
, and you feel blessed for every pieces she shows you.
I don't know what will happen,
but I feel her energy is telling me to let go,
so now I feel really odd around her?
Because I am numbing down because I realize I am losing her
I was hit with the reality that she could never ever ever feel anything for me ever, so I have to let go, and I'm broken in a new way, that I'm really so tired of being so powerless when it comes to people, seems better off just to let it all go and just be alone, there's nothing I can do.
I would find my self thinking, "This is impossible, but my whole life is one big mission impossible."
What would it take; fame, fortune?
Maybe so, maybe not.
I don't know?
But I can't help; hope, and wish, and pray, that I mean something to her, would mean the world to me.
I guess in my sick fantasy world these blogs me something to her, like a musician writes a song, I wish I could.
But I know?
I guess this blog is my way of letting go, and saying goodbye. One final blog of love.
But I know what I am,
that I am Frankenstein.

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