Wednesday, August 10, 2016

That Really Hurt?

Everything seems to hurt,
all people, every interaction appears to hurt in some way,
when you just want to succeed and you end up feeling like you are not allowed,
when some people seem to get ahead, and you struggling falling behind, and then some people want to take all your time, the time that you need to succeed to save you and your mothers life.
It Really Hurts
I feel so WRATHful
because I want it, so bad(success).
It's been soo LONG?
I have *SURRENDERED* finally,
I hope this is ENOUGH
I can't take much more of this,
survival is waning
I really am,
so sad,
from this life.
Trying to keep my head up high, 
but I can never get a crumb,
no matter how hard I fight.
I might just go sit in the corner,
of my dark shower,
gripping my wooden blood cross,
and just PRAY.
Only GOD eases my PAIN :(
I will try to move forward, one step at a time, through the pain. :(
(try to find happiness)

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