Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Dilemma: Striving To Succeed On Social Media When You Are Anti-Social?

I'm feeling so, clean, and clear, tonight?
This is a realization I knew for a long time,
but when someone just started messaging me on social media,
I really couldn't even handle talking to one person.
And I've seen so many people succeed on social media, 
and they all interact with the people that view their content,
and how that doesn't make their head spin,
is beyond me.
I don't even know how to get out of a conversation without ripping it off like a band-aid,
"I'm, OUT'A HERE!".
Is there an intelligence that comes with social ineptitude?????
They saying I once found on the internet that has now seemed to vanish, the; "Anti-Social Socialite?"
How does one become that?
That's why I want to be,
to freak people the hell out,
like Andy Warhol.
I sit in my dark room watching, 
Feeling all,
and I'm going thru CHANGES
and I'm clueless as to what is HAPPENING
and I pray and I pray that it is GOOD
I am being a good little ANGEL
not doing anything wrong...
I hope that helps?
Doing my best,
but I want to go viral soo bad,
I am ready to go viral,
but I wouldn't really message any comments,
or maybe I would have too,
to keep the ball rolling,
but by then it won't matter,
because I would have made it passed the first step,
and I will be unleashed against my DREAMS,

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