Wednesday, August 17, 2016


This is for anyone out there, looking for a self-help type of therapy that you can do on your own, because I feel that blogging is one of the biggest things that have helped me, I am almost SANE and it is SCARY?
(they say the most insane people are the people that believe they are sane, so it is time for me to become "SANE")
I've been blogging for about, 5? 6? Years, give or take, I've lost track of time, it's like I've been sucked through a time warp, so mentally ill this entire time blogging that my earlier blogs I can not even go back to read, cause it would sting/cut me so painfully to see how far gone I was, but just knowing, and seeing the progress, 700 or more blogs later; You feel a purpose. A voice. Even if(in my case), nobody is listening.
This is a fun blog(just this one, I don't know about the rest)where we can talk about therapy, poke fun at it, and all the different diagnosises, and I been put through the ringer, finally just got the full diagnosis of schizophrenia.
(oh my GAWD this made me crack up)
I'm ready to start making YouTube videos full time again. No. If you knew me, that is a HUGE success.
You know what makes me happy? Cheez-It's. Cheez-It's make me happy(white cheddar in the house)
Take A Chill Pill(not literally, do not take any pills. We do not condone pill taking here)and RELAX.
And look up to the sky and take a deep breath.
What? What did you think that photo was? =Naughty People :D
(i have too many feels)
(but i am trapped in melancholy clouds right now)
But try to stay off the "psych meds" if possible?
I said, "IF" possible?
It's not my fault that sometimes my blogs become sexual, because I google a word, like, "self help gif", and then weird stuff comes up that just seems to authentically fit, I'm not one to shy away from a feeling.
But one thing you need to know in life, is that anything you; care about, anything you love, or that means something to you, that is precious, you have to fight for. I've learned this.
Oh my GAWD what the HELL is THIS? iIcan not take this one. What's that suppose to mean? think "HARD"(how do my blogs always turn out like this? Yes, I am asking you Mr. Sigmund Freud?(see, I'm psychic, and schizo, so I can contact the dead=BUHUHUUHAHAHAHAHHA)
I am feeling FREE after so much actual therapy, I get to spread my wings and fly. It was a hard lesson learning that a person like me can not feel or be held captive, by people or time, and now I feel a tiny slice of freedom, which makes me angry for all the people in the world who are not FREE :(
Man, I feel so much, off psych medication my emotions are so POTENT and I feel so ALIVE and I feel so much LOVE and but I have to hide away from the world, in isolation, in solitude.
(too much)
And don't have promiscuous sex, or give your self away so freely, "The more you give your self away(in any regards), the more you lose your self." So, just because I post some "naughty" gifs, doesn't mean i am promoting GO OUT THERE AND HAVE CRAZY SEX, means, just focus on your self, and your independence and build your self a life, and pray to GOD for True Love. But thoughts are natural.
This was very helpful for my self. I hope you enjoyed this, and maybe found it helpful, because if you are afraid to start a blog, start one up under a fake name, not tied to your real name, and then don't tell anyone you know about your blog so you can express your self freely. This is key to this form of therapy. And for me, it was to late for any of that. But I kept trucking anyway.
So don't worry about it, mate. Search within your self to find happiness. Don't look for happiness in somebody else.

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