Sunday, May 8, 2016

(#1)BLURZ-BECOMING A MUSICIAN: let the, "Game Of Thrones" Begin!(VLOG)

Ok, something a little more positive now, instead of, DOOM & GLOOM
Ok, after those two skeleton gifs, cause if you seen any of the blogs before this, you know I pretty blogged about death for the past week, and I was just looking up, 'musician gifs' and seen them, and thought it was kind of ironically relevant?
I just ended up with 200 dollars that I've been saying the passed two months that alls I need is an extra 200 dollars a month and I can do everything I need to creatively to venture inch-by-inch to amateur level creativity. And, WALLAH, I get a 200(261)dollar check, gave my mom what was after the 200, and just purchased music studio and video editing software, and microphone.
(starting from the bottom. But with 8 years/1,200 YouTube vids)
Everything has been so BLEAK
I now just try to forget about everything,
and just want to focus on; GOD/PRAYER/and/CREATIVITY
I can't go long without listening to music,
It is one pure REMEDY,
natural PAIN KILLER.
all over my body
I need it!
My obsession is the fusion of -Film-and-Music, to have the double-wammy of, -audio-and-visual, really creates crazy connections in your brain, and so I plan on specifying in making MUSIC VIDEOS

I am at the starting line again.
When YouTube MURDERED my dreams by suspending my account for a year and a half, on their mistake after 1,100 videos of mine, 8 years, I was just working on making my first music video.
I mean, I went so numb, I uninstalled all the software on my computer, unfriended 5,000 people on facebook, like 15,000 on twitter, I just LOST IT!
Stopped all contact with family.
It was BRUTAL!

Now we have to install and focus on making just one music video, starting with writing and recording a song.

Here is my vlog, I hope it inspires someone out there to start the process of taking action on your dreams?
So what, I like to dress it up.
You can't put sugar, over,,,,,,,
...never mind

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