Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Truth: Is To Be Your Self

Man Everything Is So Crazy

But That's What I Like

I Believe In Insanity 

What Happened Was Sunday Night(May 1st into May 2nd)I Was Laying In Bed, And I Felt This GOD Wave Come Over Me Telling Me It Was Time To Activate The 13th DNA Strand

And Boy

They Weren't Kidding When They Said That, 'Spiritual Awakening' and 'DNA Activation' Is Seriously Emotional, But You Will Look At Everything From A Different Lens



There You Have It

The Process Drove Me Insane

Just Be Your Self
(and activate the next strand of your dna)

Trust Me On That One

You'll Spend Your Whole Life Trying To Be Somebody Else

I don't give a FUDGE anymore

And Then To Top It All Off I Cracked The Mayan Calendar Code

Which Will Be My Third Self-Help Book About DNA Activation

So I Got That Going For Me

Which Is Nice

See You On The Other Side

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