Friday, May 6, 2016


(A Blog Dedicated To DNA And Happiness)
I am not crazy?

Because everything that I have come to believe on my own, is proven to exist? 

(I just Googled The '13th Strand DNA' for the first time, right now, after going through an experience five nights ago where I felt a *GOD WAVE* come over me telling me it was time for me to activate the, '13th Strand'?????????????????????????)

But I believe we go way higher then the 13th strand. OF COURSE WE DO!!!!! We are going to keep venturing up activating new strands until we reach back to a 100%, with new individual abilities unlocked within each and every strand.

I would say, for example; Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama, Lady Gaga, to name a few, would be 15%'ers? Meaning, they were nobodies in this world, until one day, BAM!!!!!!, Onto The World Stage????????? As if they somehow unlocked some new source of intelligence?

I plan on becoming a 15%'er within two years from now.

And if I am right about this, and can prove this, this would change the world, especially in the mental health field, because if everyone with a mental illness or life problem were to activate to a higher strand of intelligence, the problems that they dealt with at a lower strand would become non-existent at a higher level of intelligence their entire perception/perspective would change and they would be REBORN of new abilities??????????????????????

The Beauty Of The Mayan Calendar Set To Human DNA:
See, I believe 'The Mayans' were honoring our Extra-Terrestrial Family(Ancestry/Dynasty)by charting the things they were charting, somehow showcasing our DNA evolution? 

The 'Mayan Calendar' had nothing to do with the world ending, but had to do with us making it to a certain level of new spiritual awakening of a higher consciousness strand level, if children are being born now, reaching the 12th/13th strand by the time they are children=WATCH OUT WORLD=THINGS ARE ABOUT TO MOVE WAY TOO FAST AND GET HEATED AND INTERESTING, the scary part is that this intelligence is going to leave people in the dust, unable to fend for themselves?

What is so sad is that psychiatric medications devolve your DNA intelligence :(
That makes me so angry!

So much DNA in 'Crop Circle' messaging, it's RIDICULOUS?

Celebrating That Things Might Actually Get Easier And Be Fun Again For A Little While?
(you notice I said, "for a little while")

I can focus on GOD & Creativity, and forget about my problems.
What Problems?

I now have a trinity of self-help books to write.
But this book about DNA activation will be really personal because if we can all reach one higher level of intelligence our problems of the lower level of our intelligence would be non-existent, seen from a higher perspective. 

Come lay with me so we can fuse our DNA(HAHA!!!!!!!)

Strap Your Self In, This Is Going To Be A Bumpy Ride From Here On Out. Like It Hasn't Been A Bumpy Ride Since The Dawn Of HumanKind. 

I'm not saying it's all about DNA... But it's all about DNA.


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