Friday, May 6, 2016

I Want To Die

There's nothing left to desire,
but death.
I've tried to live,
but was never allowed,
and now my cries unheard aloud,
as always.
And redemption became a forever passing glimpse,
of a dark cloud,
fading in the wind,
of my downfall misery;

And as the hours pass,
I clench to false hope.
hands scorched from the scourge of bold pain,
as the broken hour glass awaits to shatter completely,
not even giving me,
my due time;

And as the decades,
of my lonely pitiful desire for LOVE,
reigns down torment,
of misery,
caving inward on itself,
laying me down upon this one harsh TRUTH?
That love equals;

What do you do when your worst enemy lies within?

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