Saturday, May 7, 2016


(a full week of embracing music)

I FEEL IT'S TIME FOR ME TO HAVE REALLY HIGH STANDARDS? (i feel after everything i've been thru and holding true to self - I deserve that)

I am never letting anybody treat me like I am less than ever again,
like I ain't worth it.

My defenses, barriers, boundaries, are a fortified military FORTRESSES right now, and nobody is getting in, unless you hold the one true key to my heart?

I'm going to Utopia to get some spiked bracelets today in honor of one of my favorite movies, 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'. I am now a 13%'er DNA Activated Alien Freak, and I am going to live life to the fullest, even if that means living alone, *I HAVE GOD* in my life, and am going to take my place as, *Spiritual Royalty*!.

(one can only take so much till they strike back)

No more me fighting for love,
it's time for someone to have to fight for my love.

(but will you use it in time before the gate vanishes?)

I have to remember this;
I am a cat: You have to work for my affection
You have to earn my trust
You have to prove my love

Going into a new week, taking what I've learned, no-one will ever take me away from my self ever again. I AM ME(BLUR)!

(you have the key)
Ok, enough writing, my emotions are out of my system. 
Blogging is a nice therapeutic tool.
I feel better!

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