Sunday, May 22, 2016


I think, you can end up at a place where all these things have caused you so much pain, you just want as far away from them all as humanly possible, you become, ready to die.

Let's just first touch on the biggest human desire of all; LOVE?

And then, what happens, is because you can't fill this void, and you're living LOVELESS your entire life, you have this void that can absolutely not be filled, and then this desire crumbles inward into a temptation of, lust, being horny, and sexual feelings, without you even realizing what is happening, that you are not a bad person, but between, anxiety, stress, tension, pressures of life, life struggles, pain, fear, loss, heart break from all around life and the violence and suffering in the world, and all these stress hormones and cortisol, and you end up in this place, this mind state, where you just want to escape, and there you have it, you are not a bad person at all, this is more on the lines of, "just where the cookie crumbles". So how do you overcome these weaknesses? 

So you need to learn how to meditate and pray the pain away.

I can start off by saying.
LOVE is great!
LOVE is phenomenal!
Even though I have never gotten to taste it,
I mean,
I'm not stupid,
I'm not here telling you to give up on love,
but if you are as broken as me,
as complicated mentally as I am,
come on,
I mean,
there is no shot in hell that a freak like me could ever have LOVE.
or really be loved in the right way,
It's time for me to end, and let go, of this desire.
It is just causing me complete and total utter agony,
and shooting my self in the foot,
over, and over, again.

So we're really touching base on LOVE
Everything else is just=BLAH
(what a tangled web love could be?)
(sometimes it really doesn't feel worth the risk?)

I will never attempt to LOVE
Do not try to LOVE me because the answer will be NO
I will tell you to GO AWAY 
and leave me ALONE
Plus I threatened Lucifer,
there is no turning back from that,
this lonely road,
that I am destined to walk,
I can not put someones life in danger.

This has been the most agonizing burden of all


"I think once you overcome the desire for love there is nothing left to desire?" ~ BLUR(quotes)

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