Saturday, May 7, 2016


I like sleep, a lot.
Sleep is a time I get to be with GOD, and forget about this world.
This beautiful dark road, is so beautiful.
Because at least I can call it my own.
And I now call it my home.
But life is a horror without the beauty of a special woman.
Being alone makes you hard.
As stone.
So be it!
I'm fine.
I'm sure.

I go back to the grind.
My soul being grinded in the shaker of grinding life,
I crawl through dark corridors of the mind,
searching for you.
But nobody has yet to understand my love.
To understand.
To trust.
To fit.
There is only one.
I believe.

I walk in shadows
avoiding the light
hoping the light will grab me
and lift me up
but only the touch of your love could resurrect my dying heart
head down
eyes closed
hands in pocket
shoulders shrugged
Even though I don't know who you are?
that's ok.

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