Thursday, March 31, 2016

PRO-LIFE: Speak Your Mind - No Matter What(EMBRACE GOD/TRUST GOD)


It's very painful.

Can I really speak honestly about a subject/topic of life/existence without being persecuted/crucified for my views, with an open-minded admittance that my viewpoints could be wrong/could be right in some areas, but it's an ongoing battle of fighting to learn and do your best and strive to do better and be the best person you can be?

But it is 100% FACT, that we steal chicken eggs from their mothers, and that must be HELL OF SUFFERING for them to go thru. 

But on this very intense topic of "PRO-LIFE", the proof is in the pudding/the wording.

Pro-Life to me is about protectance of all life. A respect for all life; animals/insects/plant life/our own kind/women/children/elderly/even down to the microscopic level if you'd like to take it there, that microscopic organisms are essential to our existence.

Can you really get to a heightened level of feeling empathy for all life forms.

Down to feeling empathy for a blade of grass.

Mercy and Pity for a mosquito, that they have a really hideous life, they are not blessed AT ALL.


And I'm not even touching base on what's right and wrong about what a woman goes thru. I'm not a woman(at least I don't think), so I can't tell you, but we need to teach our youth different instead putting all the blame on women when the majority of human beings are involved in murder and violence in some way if you eat animals, or promote war, or you own your children and don't let them have individuality to pursue their dreams, or you mentally/verbally abuse, or rape, or beat your dog, or your wife, evryone out their want to crucify women instead of saying, "we need to stop promoting all this sex, and this porn industry, and promote purity of life and education" - just saying.

What about the man who cumms inside of a woman, they get no blame for being irresponsible?

But I can tell you this.
If a woman is raped be an evil demon man, and you're a man that feels they should have that baby, I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU GO THROUGH THAT AND SEE IF YOUR VIEW POINT IS CHANGED? I DON'T WANT NO DEMON BABY OF A RAPIST GROWING INSIDE OF ME, WHAT ARE YOU NUTSSSS?

So I made this video.
As an inspiring comedian;
Self-Help Guru,
Life Documentor,
and whatever else,
to speak my mind no matter what,
it has been part of my spiritual training to speak my mind and not care what anyone thinks.

So here goes my video on PRO-LIFE.
People will probably have my head for this.
Or maybe not?

Can you really be shocked or mad at anything someone named, "BLUR" says?


Sunday, March 27, 2016

I FIGHT FOR LOVE(Jane Wants A Boyfriend=Review)

"I don't get you neurotypicals?" 

Awe, why not? Just give it a try. I promise it will be something neither of us ever experienced before :(

These two were so adorable,
I couldn't STAND IT.

{The moment they find each other? :3 }

Do you think somebody without mental illness could love somebody with?

Just Wandering 

It Doesn't Matter

I Don't Plan On Being Mentally Ill Much Longer, Anyways.
I Plan On becoming, 'A Self-Help Guru'.
(An Underground One)
(Super BLUR To The Rescue)
[why not?]
{the sky IS NOT the limit}

I just have to speak from the HEART

This movie really touched me.

*Love Karma* is what I believe in.

Do not date,
Or mingle,
Or search for love.

Do not,
Give your self away,
Stay reserved,
Be patient,

Do you believe in *Soul-Mate Love*?

I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you really walk away from that?

that type of *True-Love*,
No-One or Nothing in this Universe could stand in the way of.

I like blossoming love,
let it happen really slow,
I've learned this from observance,
and all love has similarity,
my mom and I have unconditional love,
and this unconditional love has grown unbreakable over time.
So, when you fall in love,
let it happen slowly.
Strengthen that connection,
my motto is opposite of conventional,
I say;
because if you can't connect to each other in spirit,
even from afar,
you should be able to feel each other from miles away,
then it is not meant to be.

I never knew LOVE was so EMPOWERING,
but it was right under my nose.

I fight for all types of LOVE;

I will go to hell for eternity,
THAT'S how much I LOVE GOD :(........

My Love(i know you're out there); You are the only one that I would not send my self to hell for, if you understand me. You mean more to me than defeating Lucifer and crumbling hell. If you asked me to not go, I wouldn't. For you! But, I'm pretty sure you'll let me go?

I'm strong enough to accept that love may not be in cards :(........

Saturday, March 26, 2016

LOVE & WAR(poem never meant to be seen)


I've been here before?

Deja-vu, vu, vu.

It feels like I've been here before,
Love slipping thru my finger-tips like sand.

My heart POUNDED for you last night.
Just the thought of you; hugging me, touching me, I felt cosmic forces enter my heart like never before, heart chakra opening up so wide I could barely withstand it, almost fainting as the feeling of your soul took my breath away, so intense as I lay there in bed praying that this is real, that you feel my soul too? :(

And me thanking you, from the bottom of my heart for that hug, as that precious moment slipped away too fast, I wish I could've froze time.

You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met :3
You are SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL I can't take it.
I blush everytime I think of you

Could you be that person that I would die for,
Go of eternity to hell for?

I'd sacrifice my self for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I would never want you to sacrifice your self for me.

But I, 'Live And Let Live'.

is this delusional?

Is her soul overwhelmed like mine is when she's around me?

Does she feel the red blushing tightness of her cheeks in my exuding energetic presence the way I feel when I feel her energy?

I feel the pulling of soulful strings connecting and bonding and binding knotting up in entwined entanglements pulling on my heart strings more powerfully everytime we are in eachothers presence, like an angelic infinite universal string quartet playing music symphonies to the HEAVENS about our love that has the potential to live on through the ages, legendary, the type of mythical love that they write stories about in the future.
I know you feel that too.

She can just, grab me, and shake me, and grip my shoulders real tightly, and say, "You're not crazy BLUR, I feel it too, I am falling in LOVE with you, and it is SURREAL".
(no one and nothing could stand in the way of *TRUE LOVE*)

I never knew love was so EMPOWERING

And then my emotions CRUMBLE as I realize this is never going to happen,
You have to fight with everything you've got for your the one you LOVE,
to protect her,
and always be there for her to make sure she has everything she needs,
while keeping your self WARRIOR STRONG.

If I can obtain all those things?

Do I even have what it takes?

To be her 'Knight In Shining Armor'.

To sweep her off her feet and take her to new realms never before fathomed?

Her phantom of a new opera?

To be ready to save her the day that she needs me?

Can I be prepared?

If she would give me just a touch of her love,

                                                     ETERNAL LOVE
                           HEAVENLY LOVE 

       "But how can I be real, when I'm a ghost without love"

But the sad truth is, I'm probably not going to make it :(......

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Psychology 101: Delusional Feelings(recognizing your delusions and letting them go)

When you end up having feelings for someone(for like two months), out of your control, you didn't mean to, then you realize their circumstances that you were just DELUSIONAL the entire time, that there was nothing here meant to be, that she didn't have any feelings for me, I thought I saw some signals but realized I was wrong, so you do the right thing and let it go(and hope the person didn't know?)Then the agony of Karma someone does this to you.

I feel really bad/hating my self, because I always put my self in the other persons shoes(empathy). I am an EMPATH. And people do this all the time to me. Having feelings for me, and I don't have feelings for them. It's such a hurtful; offensive, disrespectful feeling, that they are to selfish to even find out what my situation is or how I feel about the matter. Don't I get any say in this? And I didn't mean to do that to this person. the feelings just formed before I knew anything about her, or her situation in life, but I was really captivated, she is really, really, beautiful, I know I'm not the only one, that people must fall for her all the time, but why do I feel so crucified for this? I feel like I blackballed my self in exile from the entire program now, that maybe I'm paranoid that people are looking at me different, maybe?

This one really hurts. And it hurt so bad. I feel HORRORble about my self, I really hope I didn't make this person uncomfortable. OH MY GOD, I really hope this person doesn't know? Because it was harmless, I didn't mean to form feelings, and my feelings formed because of one key reason that was really new to my mind that I never thought of before, and that created this delusion that maybe we were possible meant to meet each other/or be together(soul mates=I was delusional), but when I realized I was delusioned I realized it was wrong, me having feelings for her, so I did the right thing immediately and cut the cord of feelings. And now I'm worried that I might have just self-sabotaged my entire treatment, that I might have just caused an, -over-stay of my welcome- at this place, and now I might have to leave?

I'm embarrassed!

I realize that I really am FRANKENSTEIN.

I don't mean to cause anybody any type of harm, or uncomfortability.
It was really harmless.
I didn't mean to have feelings for this person.
I've let them go.
I am letting go of my "SOUL MATE OBSESSION" because it goes against my number one core belief, *to leave LOVE in GODS hands*.
So looking for LOVE
Longing for LOVE
and obsessively staying on the frequency,
is self defeating.
I've learned my lesson.
And pray this person doesn't know,
and this can just blow over.

Monday, March 21, 2016


I dream of an ETERNAL SLEEP

A sleep where satisfaction is of GOD

A sleep where nobody can REACH YOU

Where nobody can HURT YOU

A slumber like no other.

One where you are falling into an eternal abyss of bliss.

One where you feel dark shadows blanket your being from the cold emptiness that has seeped into your soul leaving a vortexal void of numbness nothingness,
so soothing :(

Ascending Into The Transcendence Of Heavenly Metamorphosis,

So Lonely Of My Soul Mate Lover That Being Alive Of This Realm Seems No Longer An Option?

Maybe I'm BLIND?

Maybe She Is HERE?

Under My Nose?

Right In Front Of Me?







only YOUR LOVE can mend me

only YOURLOVE can heal this fatal heart


I want you so BAD

I can't DENY it



I need you

I can only PRAY

that you need me too :(

Goodnight LOVE


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Suicide: The Most Unfair Thing In Existence(don't do it)(YOU ARE NOT ALONE)

I committed suicide at age 17 and was pronounced dead, foamed out the mouth, in my angel mothers arms. She would not give up on me, and her love and faith brought me back to life(thank you MOM). But my soul was never right since then? I felt like I lost my soul that day, through my out of body experience I would feel like I was walking Earth soulless for the next 8 years, till I died those two last times in Brooklyn, New York, back-to-back in a 24 hour period, I had a HEAVEN and hell, out-of-body experience. I came back with a second chance at eternal life, and I THANK GOD EVERYDAY!

But this isn't about me.
This is about you,
not being another victim to suicide.
No pain here is worth losing your soul.
Damning your self to hell for eternity.
You can make it through this pain.
Pain is a threshold built in the mind.
Built from fear.
You can increase your tolerance.
And strength.
If you just hold on.
I promise!

If you believe in any of this.
Or even if you open your mind to the possibility of this being real.
This is the BIGGEST gap in our human existence.
Someone who commits suicide should not be damned to hell for eternity.
This is so unfair.
How can it be so wrong to not be able to tolerate the pain of this human life.
Something needs to be done to rectify this glitch of FAITH.

By you not committing suicide and taking a NEW LEAP to LOVE OF GOD and FAITH.
You are helping this cause.
You are now a part of something GREAT.
And WE thank you.
I don't want you to die.
And be damned.
Please be strong.
You have so much strength inside you.
You will relieve your self of this BURDEN.
And become FREE.
You can find happiness one day.








SUCCESS + #AriesRising

I feel like a LONE-WOLF on the hunt, in ice-cold terrain, with an ice cold heart from the pain, ready to attack this LONE-VICTIM called SUCCESS. And I am on the scent of that blood seeing tunnel vision is the only thing that I sense through my sensories and peripheries, I feel VICIOUS. All I need is one little taste. Just a little bite to seal the deal of my VICTORY, and all hell can break loose for all I care, they have created a MONSTER. I finally welcome my self to my territory. And I will build an army of WOLVES to protect what is precious(UNITY/LOVE). An -Army Of GOD-, just like my self, that have been thrown out, left out in the cold all alone, hopeless to die, exiled from HUMANITY. *WE WILL RISE*!!!!!!!!! And as the -LOVE OF GOD- thaws this frozen heart, the only thing that can keep this heart warm is the unification and LOVE -of- HUMANITY. My Heart Burns For You GOD, And I Will Ignite This Flame Into An Inferno Of Holy Engulfment, And They Will Hear And Feel Our PAIN
(Aries Cycle Begins At The Strike Of Midnight=I Am Ready For WAR)

(and maybe love is possible) :(
And so it begins...................!

"The only way to ascension is through the pain." ~ BLUR

so sad(a poem about suicide)

I'm so overwhelmed

I don't feel I can hack-it anymore

In human life

All I can do is try harder

I'm preparing for death now

For all those that are lost and heartbroken of life

I will do my best for you GOD

To let this all go

I'm sorry for everything that I've ever done

How sad is it not to do what you are compelled to do

What is born inside of you

If you would just let this go


I want...

I feel like Frankenstein, I don't even want to be touched.
I don't want to connect with anybody.
I don't want anybody to like me.
I want to build a lonely world of my own mass-mad creation, so I can be alone and at peace, away from the pain of interaction, which leads to loss, and a shattered heart, and a broken being, and eternal wounds that never heal but only grow deeper. I want to disappear like a ghost but never to haunt anyone because I just want to be left alone. You never see me, and I would never dare look at you.
I want...


Oh The Beautiful AGONY

Now that the preparation period is complete,
Time to take action is, NOW.

There are many wars to be waged,
Brewing in my cranium.

But a war that is in front of me,
Is of, "The Rap Industry",
Evil and Vicious,
This industry has been,
A war of influence over our *Youth*,
And *Humanity*.

I am set to; *CONQUER*

These wars brewing in my SOUL,
Are preparation for the war of my;

I will do battle here on Earth,
Before I set out for the real battle, against;

Human Life is my;

To become a;

My first battle is against;
The Music Industry.

(1)My plan is to go viral first,
(by going completely PSYCHO on the freestyle rap circuit)
(from now until Christmas)
(get millions of dollars)

(2)Use the money to go,
Amateur -and- professional,
Music Video Making.

(3)Start My Record Label;
To build my own army of rappers,
To wage war against the industry.

(4)Boycott The Music industry.
Start A Beef With The Entire Rap Industry.

(5)End Up On The Cover Of Every Single Rap Magazine



GOD/HUMAN LAWS: "Never give up on your dreams,
always follow,
for your dreams are your path of destiny,
and to not follow your dreams,
means you are off the path." BLUR Quotes

You doubt me, I'll know!
I'm like a bloodhound on the scent of blood,
Doubt me,
And I will destroy you.

YOU DOUB ME???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They say that 'a mind is a terrible thing to waste.',
I say, 'don't waste a terrible mind.' ~ BLUR Quotes

This is a war of influence, between HOLY and evil, you are not hijacking our music. The devil needs to "get the hell out."


What mathematical formulation, is THIS?

"The saddest songs are the songs that are never heard." "Why swim in a sea full of sharks when you can fly over the ocean." "The more you try and escape the more captured you become." "Purify the body, purify the mind." "Shoot for the stars, land on mars." "Happiness is Kryptonite to haters." "Sometimes you just need to give your enemies the fuel, to ignite themselves." "Yeah, I've lost my mind, but I also found it in the process." "Make music, not whoopie." "I am a psychopath, because the path I am on, is psycho." "Sometimes the best way to understand how to build an empire is to completely tear your world apart." "Determination is when you determine the destination that your heart and soul is telling you you have to go." The key to happiness is conquering all fear." "It's not about the pursuit of fame, it's about the pursuit of change." "Don't ever count me out, cause even if I'm dead, I'll find a way from beyond the grave." "You can only push someone so far, till an insane genius is born, if you let it?" "The difference between, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial, is just that little extra." "A person whom thinks the world owes them something, is the ones that owe the world." "You can not pull someone out of hell if they are dragging you in." "Keep the consumers close and the competition closer." "Because this world makes it mission impossible to get what we need, we become selfish." "You can't stop anybody else from drowning when you are drowning also." "Either someone loves you for who you are, or they don't love you at all." "Don't go in the front door, or the back door, create your own door." "Religion is a business!" "I'd rather be hated than invisible." "Money is like alcohol, it shows who you really are." "Silence is a virtue." "My creative psychology is simple; document the present, plan for the future, and recreate the past." "The only thing doubters believe in is that everything is impossible." "If you do not change now, you will always be waiting for tomorrow to change, forever." "Do not wait to pick up the pieces, pick them up wherever they may lay." "You are either a consumer, or a creator, or a little bit of both, but to really breakthrough in creativity you must break all consumption." "Persecuting anyone for being different is persecuting your own self, because you too are different." "I'm so invisible even the government doesn't see me." 'When you are, "That insane", creativity must be embraced because it is the only thing worthwhile, when you are, "that insane".' "If people don't believe in you, don't have anything to do with people." "Do not do anything that makes your self weaker, but do everything that makes your self stronger." "To understand why humans do what they do, you would have to have experienced; impulse, compulse, and compellsion." "Run from all ego like the plague." "I am a calculator of where our future will inevitably need to go, but there is no math involved in this form of calculating." "I leave everything in GOD's hands, because I can not handle it." "I'm so excited right now? I want to die!" "In a world where reality has become fiction, the new creativity is to display reality." "I have all the cards but one stacked against me, and I am a wild card." "I've stayed away from people, because nobody would understand, because it made no sense." "Sometimes the best thing to be is invisible and underestimated." "Live every second of your life as if waiting for your departure for HEAVEN to arrive."

Saturday, March 19, 2016


I can't believe it!!!!!!?

This first Rocky movie has me feeling SOOOOO good?

Faith: A Golden/Miraculous opportunity comes to a good person(to fight Apollo Creed), but, even above that, is the True Love/Soul Mate Love(here I go again), between Rocky and Adrian(I CAN'T STAND IT). She is so adorable. They are so perfect for each other. When Rocky was telling her, on the ice skating rink(so cute by the way), that his father told him that he better use his body because he doesn't have a brain(his father), and Adrian said, that her mother told her she better use her brain because she doesn't have much of a body. :( BUT IT'S A PERFECT YINandYANG, YOU SEE? And then when they are in the apartment together for the first time=I DID NOT SEE THAT KISS COMING :O When he asked her to take off her glasses. And then her hat. And then told her she was beautiful. I ALMOST FAINTED DURING THAT KISS

I do believe good things happen to good people.
So I just have to hold on.
Me and my Mom.
There is HOPE

Adrian so cute, believing in Rocky(oh my GOD, never had anyone believe in me nesides my mom), she said to Paulie, in Rocky's defense, "Einstein flunked out of school, TWICE. Beethoven was deaf. Helen Keller was blind."


That's brutal.
When Rocky turns away from all the people that doubted him.
I know the pain of being doubted,
oh to well.

Then after venting and yelling at Mick,
Rocky runs out and puts his arm around him.

I just got so overwhelmed my entire life just shut down


