Wednesday, June 22, 2016


A place that has become so special to me, a community that is so special, and I didn't realize till the end of the day how much my soul was touched, till two people with such harsh struggles, so beautiful, and fighting so hard, and just want love and to be treated kind, brought tears to my eyes feeling being in their shoes, because it's a oneness, that you am I, and I am you, anyone of us could be in anyone else's shoes because we are not in control who we are born as, or the circumstances that befall us. And seeing their soul energy, and how hard they are fighting for their lives, and how lonely this mortality can make us. And seeing the closeness, that brought a tear to someone else's eye, I realized something magical happened today. It slipped right under my nose? I didn't realize what was happening?

I have been in such a dark place for so long
But I kept embracing GOD with EVERYTHING that I've GOT

Something so SPIRITUAL
was taking place!

And I want to live the rest of my time here trying some way to help people - ease their suffering - I pray so hard - I pray to the point of madness, I pray so hard.

These two people going thru some harsh struggles and fighting so hard really touched my soul, I felt, "NO, GOD - SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE?"
(one day I just might get the chance to take everyone's suffering, and I'll do it)

And now I am home
Sitting in the dark
Praying for someone in need of help
Drinking a turmeric shot
Because it is a really good anti-inflammatory 
If you have any stress or inflammation
One of the best for you
Pure relief
Getting ready for night time prayer
Falling into a trance in dream world

And I was talking to someone that need a prayer
And I had a Cranberries song playing
And it put me in a Cranberries type of mood
Which I haven't felt in a while
Because I don't feel safe 
I haven't felt safe enough
To let my guard down
And feel vulnerable
And sensitive
And a lover
Instead of a fighter
On guard
I can maybe feel beautiful being for one night
To just dance with GOD
In a spiritual sense
I feel it is safe to say
That I am safe for tonight
This was the STRONGEST week of my life
A three day build up
Of confidence
And acceptance
And I've let go
And I feel only LOVE in my HEART
And it feels so good
But dare you have to be weary of this world
And protect LOVE
And it is so weird how you can become a completely different being
Thru embracing GOD with everything you've got
Is the *KEY*

I fought - and I fought - and I fought
You have to be willing to SACRIFICE
These Human things
That hold you back from your *ASCENSION*

It is too PAINful
Not to *ASCEND*
There is nothing synthetic here that is going to ease your PAIN

"Get rid of what is temporary and chose what is ETERNAL"

What a MAGICAL day

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