Friday, June 3, 2016


So Angry At Industry: Because, us, our parents, our grandparents, our children, family, friends, we are all suffering from the sickness slowly and more extremely passed on from our environment, that these multi-million, billionaire "money is the root of all evil", selfish unempathetic soulless humans of greed, while they live in luxury in their mansions with purified air, and purified water, and the best healthcare and doctors on call, and we're sitting here suffering from the environmental pollution, where a young healthy lad like me has to fly up to the store at 4 am in the morning to get an energy drink, for caffeine, with a sinus headache cause I'm clogged up from the environment, and would rather drink caffeine than take headache pills, when my gut instinct tells me, "this is environmental"=YEAH=MENTAL is right!


And most people will go about their lives thinking this is normal.
(ok, so I ranted a bit, but today is not a good day of discipline, but I will keep drinking as little caffeine as possible, i'm really just at the end of my rope with these environmental factors. And we're really lucky here in new York, can you imagine the agony in China, that devil run government, what they put those poor people through, they have to wear filtration masks cause of the environment.)  

But I have three days to really get my self together(and I am together)before I begin an awesome excitingly 10 day psychiatric evaluation for schooling, but early morning caffeine will not effect my sleep, cause when I been laying down in bed, thinking about the woman I love, is so sedating, I fall into a trance lately, and fall asleep so easily. I may be delusional and in fantasy land, but something so positive, to have a woman in my life that is the most special woman on the planet to me, and inspires me so much to be the best version of me, I feel so blessed because a void of emptiness has been filled, even though we can not be together, I really feel together in spirit. And am ready to conquer the world, for her.

But even though today is not a good day, caffeine wise(I drink caffeine like Constantine drinks cough suppressant),I will still remain very disciplined, I have gotten to this new magical place, called; "EMOTIONAL DISCIPLINE". It's a beautiful place where you are so strong emotionally that you have now gained almost complete disciplined control over your emotions. I don't feel, angry/lustful/violent/fearful, I feel completely at *PEACE*(inner peace)

Fear was my word of the day today, because I feel completely liberated because I expressed on the internet my plans to defeat Lucifer, and that takes some real guts. it's like I'm waiting for a wave of attack to come my way, but I *TRUST GOD* that much, that I am not afraid, not one bit.

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