Friday, June 17, 2016

Letting-Go: I Just Want To Be Alone

I am letting go tonight
I can not hold on any longer
And I just want to be alone
And sad
And in a dark room
In bed
Curled up into a ball
Gripping my pillows
Eternal Sadness comforted by GOD
Absent of hope
Because hope lets me down
So bad
Such disappointment
Can I really let go
I have to
I can't hold on any longer
Love hurts the most
But its loving with the absence of love
This makes me want to be alone from everyone
I try so hard
I lose so hard
Feels the more I fight the harder it gets
I'm in the dark
And light is scaring me right now
My heart hurts
My heart always hurts
I want to disappear forever
I can't even do that
I'm so lost
Nobody can find me
And the right person won't find me
And even if she did
I'd fail

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