Thursday, June 30, 2016

sad as HELL

I was up
Then I feel into a, deep, dark, sad sleep
I couldn't get out of bed
And in my dream I saw you
And in my dream it seemed you weren't maybe upset with me?
I don't even know what I did anymore, I just tried to love
Then I saved a spider in my dream
And then that spider chased me and bit me on the hand
And then I just woke up
I feel so horrible
I don't ever want to feel like this again
I can't just ever care about someone and have them in my life
I have to lose everyone; family, friends, etc.
I'm too beat up to ever feel anything ever again
It feels
Where's all my strength
Cause it all just dissipated 
My life-force went down the drain
My candle just burnt out
My bridge just collapsed
My knees are weak
And my shattered lost soul quivers  
I just want to hibernate from people
In my lonely cave
Come out to gather what I need because I have no choice my time is not up yet
But my will is being stripped away
Emotions have become my enemy
But to not have emotions
I refuse to be their empty shell
I will not let the world do that to me
Love is murder
Because my heart was just killed

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