Sunday, July 17, 2016


I am going through some serious intense changes right now.
I think I am; *REBORN*?
This might be the most important blog I ever write.
Because, even if you can not make material world changes/money/finance.
Think about the changes you can make, on a; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual level?
I feel; *REBORN*.
I am feeling a lot of choices in front of me now.
That have to do with a lot of *devotions* and *commitments*?
These things are so painful, because it is a confliction between this physical realm and the spiritual realm giving you an offer that most people might never recognize in this life, and it takes so much sacrifice, but it's weird, in my opposite mind, to not do these things is a sacrifice I could never afford?
I'll know by tomorrow.
Because this is a new opportunity on the horizon,
that I don't need money,
or a job,
 or success,
but I can make these angelic changes,
would mean the world to me to finally be free of these burdens that are slowly suffocating me.
And the realization, that you can not fight -fire with fire-, that love and peace is the way.
Not vengeance and wrath.
That is their way, not ours.

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