Friday, July 1, 2016


I'm closing the door?
I tried to enter
After having the door cracked
Peeking thru
I see you.
And maybe you don't see me
Or maybe you didn't
But when you seen me
You got scared
And that frightened me
So I am closing the door.

I'm closing the door?
Because I have to.
Having that door opened,
I guess it was me trying to walk thru your door,
Not realizing that you would never walk thru my door,
So I close this door forever.
I am so afraid of doors.
And your door was so beautiful to me,
too beautiful to ignore.

So I am closing the door?
Like closing the book of love,
The door slammed.
I was caught off guard.
I thought I was gentle 
And understanding
I thought our love was growing
Opening the door just a tiny bit wider
But I was wrong
And I am sorry
And will never attempt to open your door ever again
Please forgive me
I'm sorry
I've shut the door.

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