Thursday, July 21, 2016


7/21/2016 7 AM: One Cup Of Tea(4 tea bags), One Seroquel Last Night(was soo way depressed?).
Now 12PM, Going To Take Seroquel To Buy Some Time To Stay Away From Caffeine? See How Long I Can Last?
(I'm very ANGRY today at our(mom)financial woes, and despising my brother for not helping, leaving his mother without a dollar to her name(as always), my mom closing in on stroke number two from all this financial stress, car about to break down, I am feeling so overwhelmed by ALL people, human beings, I want to escape them all? I want AWAY from ALL "people", cause all I feel is HURT.=NO MORE

"You know the difference between me and you is...,
I make this look GOOD!"(Men In Black, quotes) sad to say this, but heartbreak has taken me down the darkest of corridors...
So rounded out to 7PM, I drank a cup of tea at 6:39 pm, which is almost 12 hourse without caffeine, took more seroquel, cause I can't quit seroquel till I'm off caffeine, but seroquel easy to quit, but seroquel helping widen the gap of time inbetween caffeine consumption, soon i will be at 24 hours without caffeine, I hate waking up being a slave to caffeine. And I have been so angry dealing with heart break. I don't ever want to feel that again, and when feeling like this, you just want to escape, and end up resenting everybody for not giving you space. After going to sleep, my mom set off the smoke alarm, which goes through to the landlords smoke alarm, and the landlords usually knock on the door if the smoke alarm goes off(so darn annoying, can't wait to be free, rich millionaire, own own property), so i had to JUMP out of bed out of a deep dark sleep, with pillows in my hand to hold the pillow over the smoke alarm, while shutting my bedroom door, cause it sets off both smoke alarms, and I felt so angry because I am trying to sleep so i don't feel tempted to drink caffeine, I kept saying?????? "F%(king, DAMN YOU!".
And then this morning, at 7 am I had a cup of tea, cooked a grill cheese, and came within a HAIR of setting the smoke alarm off :(.........
And now we're almost out of tea bags(5 left), and I'm so NERVOUS, cause we are out of money, and the bathroom, lots of stuff broken in there, and now we have to ask the land"lords" to borrow money.
Surprisingly I made it to 3 am in the morning without caffeine? That is 20 hours without caffeine. Now if I can just make it 24 hour mark. I'm feeling like excruciating pain is on the way - that I am about to disappear like a ghost, and realize that the woman I fell in love with doesn't care - but I already know that is going to be the outcome, so now I just have to get through this agony.




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