Monday, July 4, 2016


(At night in intense prayer on the Fourth of July getting ready for bed, singing, "Where have all the cowgirls gone?")
"GOD, I know that she's out there. Please bring us together. We will conquer the world together. And be unstoppable. I know patience is key, I leave it up to YOU. I know that anything else is not meant to be, and would not be good. So I will manifest so intensely that the Universe has no choice but to bring us together. Oh GOD, I've been so patient, I feel it is time. That my soul is ready now. And sometimes I feel this energy, that she is here on Earth. And I know I am a freak GOD, and that it would take a certain type of strange weirdo to really truly love me. And I would find that person soo special. The most special woman in the Universe. We will conjoin and entwine and bind in a fusion to make both of our wildest dreams come true as CONQUERORS! Us!!! Vs The World! And everyday will be a new wondrous mysterious adventure; The sky is NOT the limit! We can travel the world, the world as our oyster, and life will never be boring or monotonous. And we will go level hopping, always striving for higher levels. Any dream that she has I will help her in any way to make her dreams come true, but a human being has to be a certain type of, bold, crazy, to go dream chasing, is not a normal human endeavor placed fourth from society. I imagine soul mate would believe in me. And see things that no one else could see, and understand me better than I understand my self, and vice versa. So let me be your knight in shining armor, and I will show you a life you could never have imagined. So I pray to YOU, 'Oh Mighty GOD', *BRING US SOUL MATES TOGETHER*. My Princess, so I can make her a QUEEN. My QUEEN I will make her a GODDESS, and I, her KING. So I pray to YOU my GOD."

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