Tuesday, July 5, 2016

If your mirror could talk, what would it say, and why? Poem, by BLUR(written in therapy journaling group)

I like a mirror, in a nice dim lit light.
The mirror can nitpick and be a bit picky.
Is the mirror a friend, or a foe, I can not tell?
I seldom find my self saying, "Mirror! Mirror! On the wall! Who is the craziest human of them all?"
They say, if a mirror is on the floor, facing away from the wall, evil spirits can come thru.
I think the mirror would find me handsome and beautiful, but then again, I think it depends on the mirror.
A cat on a hot tin roof.
You see, my mind wonders in the mirror, and I get lost.
But I can not look for long, because I feel like Frankenstein.
Do you see more of an Angel or a demon when you look in the mirror?
What do you see when you look into your eyes?
I feel like an Angel in a messed up world.
I feel the mirror would feel inclined to tell me that I am broken.
That my machine needs work and is faulty.
I would like to break a mirror one day, to break the superstition, and then have the best of luck from that day forward.
If I could talk back to a mirror, I would say, "I am not Narcissus, I wouldn't care about looks, but the world does, so I am stuck."
But then again, all mirrors are, beautiful, clear, and shiny, huh, but can still be shattered into infinite pieces and meet their final day.
The End

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