Sunday, July 24, 2016


it's over
it's too late
it slipped away
i missed it
i've never been this broken
i can't face anyone
i can't talk
my mind is gone
my emotions fading
my heart
i've lost you
so it doesn't matter
i've lost me too
i've lost soo much
no more pain like this
never again
i have to go now
it's too much
this level of emotional pain makes you want to burst out of your skin
when death is the only way out
when death is the only escape
what do you do
maybe you do something
maybe you go after a far fetched 
why not
but first you must runaway
far away from the pain
far away from the woman you fell in love with
far away from the heart break
till you erase your memories
what else can you do
i want to die so bad
it hurts
it's over
i have to face this
there's no choice
i'm over
it's goodbye forever
why do i always end up here
but goodbye

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