Friday, July 22, 2016


I have had enough of this place...
Oh, GOD!
But I will walk on,
as long as you will it.
For YOU!!!
I walk amongst sad puddles,
filling up with my tears,
drowning in the ocean of my despair.
Tsunamic Waves fluttering in the wind of butterfly effects,
forever effecting me,
butterflies dying.
I can't miss you, cause you were never mine?
How can something that was never alive die?
Maybe because it only existed in my mind :(
But GOD had me all along.
The only soothing remedy of this ailment called; human.
But my LOVE grows, as my HEART breaks.. .. .. .
I Am Mine, and that is sad.. . .. . ?

So I hide away to be found,
and I shy away, because everybody hurts me.
I crawl under the rocks,
lonely and cold,
shivering, trembling, quivering,
wounds and scars fully exposed; VULNERABLE.
"I Will Never Open Up To Anyone Ever Again",
You abused that but will never know how you abused that?
I know?
What you do?
To people.
How you use people.

And you are what finally broke me in the right way.
Because now I walk away from everyone.
Forever more,
I crave DEATH.
And can not wait to DIE.
cause now I can rest in unpeace.
And accept this pain,
as inevitable.

, ...sadness.
The melancholic beauty in this HORROR,
that is LIFE.
Don't fret.
Embrace the agony.
Let it consume you,
whole and pure.
You Are

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