Thursday, July 21, 2016

JOURNALING THERAPY GROUP: "If I could talk to my teenage self, the one thing I would say is..."

Do NOT do drugs...
Follow your DREAMS!
The confusing thing out of all topics to talk to my teenage self about, would be LOVE?????
Because it is still a MYSTERY to me.
But I know what I see, and I would say, "be patient, be soulful, and 1st make sure to be INDEPENDENT so you can stand alone on your own two feet."
But the most important piece to the puzzle of LIFE, is to embrace GOD with absolutely everything you've got because that is the only way that no matter what the outcome will be, everything will be alright because you can die next week.
Live by the; *LAWS OF KARMA*.
Empathize and Feel all LIFE!
Be *WARRIOR* Bold, because most of the time, playing it safe is more dangerous and filled with the unbearable burden of REGRET.
And become a Rock Star, you must.
Not to be famous but to be able to make great music and film financially FREE.
Travel Planet Earth.
Ride Roller-Coasters,
and never grow up.
(it's a trap)
Have *Children* after you become MILLIONAIRE(cause remember kids, "no romance without finance"), and be a kid with them, and involve them in what you do, and be interested in all they do. 
And have FUN!]
Live Obedient and Righteous,
into The After Life,
and the rest is;
'Murder She Wrote?'

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