Saturday, July 23, 2016

"Confidence Stolen"

"In another scenario, I would have fiery confidence. The woman that I love, would believe in me, and we'd conquer the world together. But in this sad scenario, I am not good enough. I am not believed in that I will succeed at all these endeavors, that I'm just a 'what if?', a 'maybe?', and that breaks me. In this scenario, I am low. Unwanted. Invisible. Non-existent. Kept on the shelf, thought of as dusty, 'maybe to be read one day?'. Well, that isn't good enough, and it breaks me out, and makes me sad, and I just want to run away and hide away, and come back, 'maybe?', when I am a knight in shining armor, with a crown up-top my head. I don't need anyone, and I don't expect to be needed, but this hurts. In another scenario, the woman I love would love me so much back, and be thrilled about this life of excitement and adventure about to open up like the center of the sky in the eye of the storm, but we are the storm keepers, because we've been becoming King & Queen, with our Forces United, in another scenario."

"Confidence Stolen"

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