Wednesday, July 20, 2016

BLOG THERAPY: LESSONS LEARNED? :( (The Heart-Break Chronicles)

I wish I could somehow get it all out, and I wish that somehow getting it all out would somehow make it all feel better, but I don't even know how to express how I feel right now, but I guess I can only say how I feel.
I feel horrible.
And what feels the worst is this heart break,
I mean,
I would've given anything that I could've had to give to have this person in my life,
and it's weird, this feeling of giving up on life in a really bizarre way that I don't ever want to attempt to get close to any body on any personal level ever again, and I feel that I look forward to dying, and an even sadder thing, is that moving passed this pain is going to mean having to forget about this person, and OUCH that hurts. And now I feel no other choice but just to run as far away as humanly possible, as I get ready to fall into my bed of sadness and just listen to sad music, and not feel sorry for my self, but feel pitiful that there's nothing else I want to do but just curl into a dark corner and pray and be with GOD :(
"The hardest thing about heart break is that there is nothing you can do or say to get this person to care about you."
And the pathetic thing, is when the phone rings, that I sometimes go to the phone in some desperate fantasy that it might be this person, this is so low, but it is oh so high, if you know what I mean?
I am going to lay in bed for days and pray until it rains, and then I am going to cry

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